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Top 6 tips to achieve digital transformation - not just tools and techniques, it's about people and their mindsets

Keywords: digital transformation marketing / 3 Comment(s)

“72 per cent of organizations are expected to roll out Digital Transformation strategies within the next two years,” according to Cloud Industry Forum 2017.

Digital Transformation (DT) of business is not only about embracing the technology, but also about speeding up the business activities, reducing the costs, improving time to market, bringing positive changes in people, business processes, and competency models.

The organizations need to accommodate changes in business demands, business scenarios, and now digitally transform ways to cater to these needs, to keep growing.

DT greatly affects the way an organization generates revenues, delivers services, products, and customer experience. There are a lot of benefits of digital transformation, including improved efficiency, decision making, faster reach to customers, better customer satisfaction, and more profitability. It also improves the organization’s response to the market conditions with gained insights.

Below are the top 6 tips to make a successful digital transformation strategy for achieving success, irrespective of the size of your organization:

  • Start early, start today

Risks are important for a business growth. Remember those who are at some jealous worthy place, started out somewhere to realize their dreams. And why wait, the time is ripe now as it is. Define your goals, think about your mission and value you expect to get. Be ready to accept failures – be transparent in your approach. It will help you take a better calculated approach next time. Once your mission is clear, your path is set - go for the technology to solve key challenges you face.

  • Prepare your team

Getting skilled employees – those who are ready to take on the digital challenges may be difficult. So, prepare your team to fight the battle – better arm them with the right knowledge and tools so that they can support your organizational DT strategy. They need to understand your vision and support it wholeheartedly.

There are a number of tools that can not only increase your team’s productivity, but can also help them provide better customer experience. For example, you can make it possible for your team to work anywhere, not just the office. With Office 365 Business, they can work smarter anywhere, with latest collaboration services and IT control to run your business.

Office 365 web conferencing, business-class email, IM, shared calendars, and up-to-date documents in cloud, enables your team to work together and with customers’ convenience in real time. They can work online and offline with up-to-date versions of tools and files for their work.

  • Be open to change – accept new technologies

Don’t hesitate to leverage any digital technology, be it wearables or using a new software for improving your billing system. Experiment with advanced technological solutions that integrate internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) etc. They will not only help you save time but will also provide you with insights from the data they collect that you can utilize to optimize your IT and take better informed decisions for your business in the long run. The recent proliferation in data and developments in data analytics bring huge opportunities in relation to market insight and the identification of target markets, as well as providing broader insights which can inform marketing strategy.

Cloud and digital transformation are inter-connected and cloud plays the most significant role in driving digital transformation in any organization. Adopt cloud solutions to improve business operations, reduce IT infrastructure complexity, and free up resources for driving innovation.

  • Redefine your culture

Every department and process must get in tuned to your mission and vison. Everyone must be committed to deliver the same goal – that is of meeting the challenges of the digital economy and must be aware of the strategy you’ve set for meeting them.

Customer demands are primary to your business and must form the core of your transformational strategy. You must take into account as to how getting digital will help you provide better customer experience and will accelerate service delivery to gain the loyalty of customer, and how it will improve your support so as to deliver them a delightful experience throughout.

Consumers teach companies what they need and what they do not get from a particular company, probably much more than what companies are trying to teach consumers about using their products or their advantages from purchasing.

  • Take one-thing at a time

Remember that you should concentrate on one thing at a time and take small, but prominent steps. If you face any challenge, then pick it up and put enough efforts to fix it before you move on. And if that challenge is not core to your mission, stop doing it. Make it a priority in case it is core.

Also, please call us to team up with you in your journey to make it well guided with our proven roadmap to successful digital transformation making it a re-energizing exercise for your whole organization and employees. In the process you may discover many new ‘Digital Business ideas’ to help not only sustain but grow your organization in this digital era.

In the next 3 to 5 years, India will have 30 to 70 million Internet users which will equal, if not surpass, many of the developed countries.

  • Collaborate and go for the size that fits you

Find people and companies who have the same mission as yours and are doing it well. Collaborate and partner with them.

Many a times, while going for digital transformation services and products, businesses try to find a one-size fit for all their needs. It would be better to go for tailormade solution for better business outcome.

Also, rather than focusing on hardware, software, and working in laboratories, it is necessary to have a marketing and market perspective.

Do let us know your feedback in the comments section.


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Cetina, I., Dumitrescu, L., & Vinerean, S. (2015). Exploring consumer engagement in an e-setting: A qualitative research of marketing executives. Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies and Research, 48(2), 1–20.

Oliver, M. A., & Vayre, J.-S. (2015). Big data and the future of knowledge production in marketing research: Ethics, digital traces, and abductive reasoning. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 3, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1057/jma.2015.1

Donnelly, C., Simmons, G., Armstrong, G., & Fearne, A. (2015). Digital loyalty card “big data” and small business marketing: Formal versus informal or complementary? International Small Business Journal, 33(4), 422–442. https://doi.org/10.1177/0266242613502691

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What Next:

John Chambers, Executive Chairman, Cisco System says "At least 40% of all businesses will die in the next 10 years... if they don’t figure out how to change their entire company to accommodate new technologies". Lets discuss 'Digital Disruption to Education Sector in India...today's imperative' in my next artical. till then ...good bye and have a great time ahead!

Posted by Mr. Sachin Mutha on Jan 16, 2023

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3 Comment(s)

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  • no photo found
    By: Mr. Ameya Dandekar
    at: 2023-02-27 08:44:41

    nice artical sir..

    1. User Photo
      By: Mr. Sachin Mutha
      at: 2023-03-11 10:46:40

      thanks ameya!

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    By: Mr. Alok Sharma
    at: 2023-01-24 02:35:19

    good write on digital transformation, though I would have loved to contribute as a co-author!!

    1. User Photo
      By: Mr. Sachin Mutha
      at: 2023-01-25 05:41:43

      thank you sirji!! lets write on digital in education now, would love to partner with you..

  • no photo found
    By: Mr. Kalpesh Adhikari
    at: 2022-01-18 23:13:26

    got that! nice compilation really, do write about education sector...I have worked with one of the institution...we really need competitive and multi-skilled partners when it comes to implementing digital domain in academics..

    1. User Photo
      By: Mr. Sachin Mutha
      at: 2023-01-19 03:20:41

      thanks...yes, there truely is big scope and its actually calls for organizational leaders and their understanding of digital as a continuously evolving domain..I mean, few have already started investing more time and budget in 'digital' than ever before..

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